Course Details



Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode


Course Location


CQUniversity Australia

Diploma of Arts

The Diploma of Arts provides you with an opportunity to explore a humanities or social sciences discipline. Successful completion of the course will allow you guaranteed entry into the Bachelor of Arts at CQUniversity.

The Diploma of Arts provides you with an opportunity to explore a humanities or social sciences discipline at an introductory level, preparing you for employment in a range of fields, or further study. Successful completion of the course will allow you guaranteed entry into the Bachelor of Arts at CQUniversity.

During your education and training, you will explore disciplines that study the way humans recognise, record and debate human practices, meanings and values. This will aid you in developing a contemporary understanding of both the human condition and how society operates.

You will have the opportunity to gain crucial lifelong learning and transferable generic skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving, and you will be able to apply these skills to a range of employment opportunities and life situations.

As a graduate of the course, you may find career opportunities in administrative and assistant roles in a range of fields, including advertising, government administration and planning, communications, history, and many more.

The Diploma of Arts course is available by both online study and on-campus and either full-time or part-time. You may choose part-time study while working in the industry, allowing you to earn and learn.