Course Details



Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode


Course Location

New South Wales

University of New England

Diploma in Music

If you’re looking to build practical skills in music performance and writing while gaining a formal qualification in music, our fully online Diploma in Music is the ideal course for you. It will help you reinforce your experience and allow you to dip your toe into university study without committing to a full degree, while still gaining credit towards a bachelor’s degree if you wish to pursue further studies. In a rapidly changing industry, this diploma from UNE can help ensure your career prospects are fit for the future.

Please note that you must pass an online theory exam or be granted an exam waiver to gain entry into this course. Find out more.

Why study the Diploma in Music with UNE?

This diploma course will help you build your music performance experience and aural and music technology skills, giving you a practical skillset to help you thrive in the real world of the ever-changing music profession. You’ll further develop your abilities in songwriting, composition and music production and come out ready to take your next steps as an industry-ready music professional.

Core units of study include:

  • Music Theory and Analysis
  • Encounters in Music
  • Cross-Cultural Music Concepts and Analysis
  • Fundamentals of Creative Music Practice
  • Digital Music and Media Fundamentals

You will also have opportunities to expand your skills and knowledge in areas such as:

  • Composition Structure and Instrumentation
  • Songwriting for Contemporary Performance
  • Popular Music
  • Early European Music
  • Music in the Age of Empires and Nations
  • Collaborative Music Creation
  • Ensemble Leadership
  • Electronic Music Production

What makes our course different?

The Diploma in Music is the only course of its kind in Australia that has been designed to be delivered fully online, and our teaching staff are highly experienced performers and researchers.

  • The teaching of music has been a staple at UNE since 1972, and we are experts in creating graduates ready to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving music industry.
  • Choose to study when it suits you. Our degree allows you to fit study around your busy lifestyle, not the other way around, no matter where you are in the world.
  • UNE is Australia’s oldest regional university and a pioneer in the delivery of distance education – more than 80% of our students are online.
  • We have an industry partnership with leading music and media company AVID. Our staff include industry-certified trainers in Protools and Sibelius platforms to ensure students have the most up-to-date educational opportunities.

Year after year, students award UNE the maximum 5-star ratings for Overall Experience and Student Support in The Good Universities Guide, so when you choose to study with us, you are in very good hands.