Course Details


Short Course

Study Load

Short Course

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Applications Close

Oct 6, 2024

Course Starts

Oct 13, 2024


October 13 – November 17, Sundays 12:00pm – 3:30pm

Course Code


Sydney Dance Company

Dance on Film

Led by dance and film specialists, this immersive Accredited Short Course delves into the art of choreography for the camera, exploring camera work, the dancing body and its impact on choreography.  

Whether you’re a dance enthusiast, aspiring artist, or simply curious about creative movement for film, this accredited short course will develop your skills and understanding of a variety of camera movements and positionings to capture the dancing body.

Over six sessions participants will explore choreography for film and develop editing techniques to enhance choreographic vision for dance on film. The workshops will culminate in the creation of a short filmic product to share in the final week at an in-house film screening for friends and family.   

On the completion of this Dance on Film Accredited Short Course, a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for the following unit of competencies will be awarded.   

  • CUACHR611 Create choreography for stage and screen 

Sydney Dance Company is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO #45863).

Applications Open

Jul 18, 2024

Course Fee
