Course Details


Short Course

Study Load

Short Course

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location


Applications Close

Nov 24, 2024

Course Starts

Dec 9, 2024


December 9 – 13, 9:30am – 5:30pm

Course Code


Sydney Dance Company

Choreography for Live Performance

Be a part of a one-week choreographic development culminating in a performance for friends and family.

Drawing from personalised movement ideas, you will actively contribute to the dance-making process together with a skilled dramaturge. By delving into the intricacies of collaborating within a choreographic development and staging a group performance, you will gain invaluable insights into the creative process from conception through to presentation.

Family and friends are invited to witness your efforts during a performance of up to 1 hour in Sydney Dance Company’s Neilson Studio on Friday 13 December at 6pm. This course offers a transformative experience to explore choreography for performance in a professional and supported environment.

This Accredited Short Course is tailored to dance students and professionals who have previously had experience in choreographic development.  

Upon completion of the Choreography for Live Performance Accredited Short Course, participants will receive a nationally recognized Statement of Attainment for the following unit of competency. 

  • CUACHR413 Develop choreography skills

Sydney Dance Company is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO #45863). 


Previous experience in choreographic development

Applications Open

Jul 18, 2024

Course Fee
