Course Details


Bachelor Degree

Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location

New South Wales

Macquarie University

Bachelor of Music

Music breaks down barriers and encourages cross-cultural appreciation. It brings people together, communicates ideas and cultures, and gets deep into our souls and our psyche. From rock and pop to electronic, vocals and world music, it communicates and connects us in unique and special ways.

The Bachelor of Music – with its focus on synergies across production and performance, including theoretical and practical study – is the only one of its kind in Australia. It will develop your theoretical, practical and industry-focused skills, as well as your musical training.

Key features

  • Acquire a broad range of composition and performance skills

    Gain skills in contemporary areas – world music, vocal studies, musical theatre, audio mixing, songwriting and interactive sound.

  • Study in state-of-the-art facilities

    Study in unique acoustic studios – built by acclaimed designers – that offer a range of contrasting spaces.

  • Hone your skills by learning from award-winning professionals

    Learn from teachers with international industry profiles in popular music, music production, jazz and contemporary vocal pedagogy.

  • Develop a deep understanding of contemporary music practices

    Gain a broad knowledge of 20th- and 21st-century music practices, technologies and associated industries.