Course Details


Bachelor Degree

Study Load

Part Time

Study Mode

In Class

Course Location

New South Wales

Macquarie University

Bachelor of Media and Communications

In today’s always-on environment where seemingly everyone wants news and entertainment at their fingertips, the heart of storytelling is an exciting and powerful place to be.

The Bachelor of Media and Communications will equip you with the skills you’ll need to respond to today’s – and tomorrow’s – rapidly evolving media environment. Whether you’re interested in making your own films or music videos, writing for print and online publications, designing interactive and media-rich websites, producing radio podcasts and broadcasts, streaming live media or managing public relations campaigns, this degree will position you at the heart of content creation.

Key features

  • Gain the high-level practical skills employers want

    Develop production skills relevant to a range of industry practices across diverse platforms.

  • Enhance your learning in our multi-million-dollar media hub

    Access our professional studio spaces, industry-standard digital workstations, a theatre and digital production tools.

  • Hone your skills by learning from award-winning professionals

    Learn from widely published academics and award-winning media producers – all with industry experience.

  • Gain practical skills while undertaking professional placements

    Undertake a media internship to enhance your employment prospects.