Course Details


Advanced Diploma

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Course Location

New South Wales

University of New England

Advanced Diploma in Arts

Add an area of expertise to your CV and gain an undergraduate qualification — without committing to a full bachelor’s degree. You will develop research, critical thinking, and writing skills in the core units. With the minor and elective units, you tailor the course to your specific interests and career objectives by choosing from an extensive selection of arts, humanities and social science units.

With our Advanced Diploma in Arts you have the freedom to explore related subjects, or a range of different topics. With this flexibility, your advanced diploma can be customised to your aspirational and practical needs. It will also qualify you to go on to a Bachelor of Arts if you’re keen to continue your studies. Become future fit with these advanced studies.

Why study the Advanced Diploma in Arts with UNE?

A whole new world of historic, environmental, social, behavioural and/or cultural features of humanity will open up, allowing you to analyse, reflect upon and anticipate patterns of human conduct. You will also develop the creative, critical and analytical skills that are so in demand by employers, and are a great foundation if you wish to pursue further study.

This flexibility allows you to focus on what interests you, plus you can direct your learning to gain a skillset for a particular career. You can choose your minor and electives from 31 diverse units in history, archaeology, writing, languages, psychology, screen and media studies, philosophy, sociology, music, theatre and performance, and many more.

What makes our course different?

Our Advanced Diploma in Arts offers great flexibility:

  • Choose your minor and electives from a huge range of arts, humanities and social science units to tailor your degree to your needs.
  • Complete your course in 1.5 years full-time or up to six years part-time.
  • Study on campus, or online at home in your own time to fit into your lifestyle.

UNE is Australia’s oldest regional university and a pioneer in the delivery of distance education. Year after year, students award us 5-star ratings for Overall Experience and Student Support, so no matter whether you choose to study online or on campus, you are in very good hands.