Tiffany Barton

Tiffany Barton is an award winning playwright, actor and independent theatre producer who has toured shows to Melbourne, London and New York. She has a BA in Creative Writing from Curtin University and an MA in Writing for Performance at the Victorian College of the Arts.

Tiffany Barton's Latest Articles

Heartsease. On the left is a head and shoulders author shot of a young Caucasian woman with long strawberry blonde hair and a blue top. She is standing in front of foliage. On the right is a bookcover featuring a group of brown flowers

Book review: Heartsease, Kate Kruimink

Sisterly bonds prevail in the fog of grief.

Venus Without Furs. On the left a shot of the author, who is a middle aged white woman with short brushed back grey hair. She has glasses on her head, a green and black dress and is standing in front of a microphone reading from a book. On the right is a book cover showing an artistic nude looking to the right and her mirror double looking to the left.

Book review: Venus Without Furs, Gabrielle Everall

A collection of poetry that riffs and talks back to Leopold von Sascher-Masoch, author of notorious classic 'Venus in Furs'.


Book review: Always Will Be, Mykaela Saunders

Speculative fiction that foregrounds the Indigenous experience.

A woman stands on stage against a black backdrop wearing a short black and red tasselled costumer with long red gloves. She is laughing and grimacing and standing next to a sandwich board.

Performance review: Endhoe, FRINGE WORLD, WA

A comedic exploration of endometriosis, one of the world's most painful diseases.

Portent. A group of musicians and actors perform a ritual inspired by eclipses. Silhouettes of the audience are at the front of the shot.

Performance review: Portent (a ritual), Holmes à Court Gallery

A collaborative work spanning visual and performing arts inspired by solar eclipses.

Appeasing Nergal. Three performers attempting to balance wine glasses in front of a sofa against a black backdrop.

Performance review: Appeasing Nergal, FRINGE WORLD, WA

Three circus performers try to entertain themselves during lockdown.


Book review: The Things We Live With, Gemma Nisbet

Nisbet's book offers food for thought about the meaning we make from the objects in our lives and the ways…


Performance review: Two, PICA Performance Space, WA

A joyful collaboration between dance and tabla drumming.


Theatre review: By the Bog of Cats, Irish Club of WA

Set in the bogs of rural Ireland, this is a compelling and uncompromising play about betrayal and vengeance.

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