Richard Watts
Richard Watts's Latest Articles
Writing your city
Write about what you know, we're often told. So why do so few playwrights set their work in their home…
30 years of interdisciplinary art
Performance Space celebrates 30 years since its doors first opened with a new festival, You’re History!
Homebake 2013 cancelled
Poor ticket sales and a fan backlash over the event changing its venue and format have led to the festival's…
A funny thing happened on the way to iTunes
Australian stand-up comedy has been very successful on DVD; will it have the same success online?
The Art of Australia
Hosted by former Art Gallery of NSW director Edmund Capon, this ABC1 series looks at how art and artists helped…
Circus sector to meet in Melbourne
ACAPTA is holding the first in a series of national sector meetings in Melbourne with follow-up events in other cities…
Where are the strong women of circus?
As circus goes mainstream, women are being treated as decoration not skilled performers. A new women's program at Circus Oz…
The week’s program announcements
From major musicals to exciting new exhibitions, this week has seen some big announcements unveiled.
This week’s award winners
A recently deceased visual artist, some rocking bands, an intercultural arts company and a short gay film have picked up…
Mark Dreyfus QC announced as Shadow Minister for the Arts
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten announced his new Shadow Cabinet today, with the arts portfolio awarded to the Member for Isaacs.