Richard Watts
Richard Watts's Latest Articles
VCA introduces new graduate performing arts courses in 2015
Masters of Dance, Dramaturgy, Design and Directing for Performance will be offered in Melbourne in the new year.
$705,000 arts funding announced for Anzac projects
Eight projects across various art forms are being supported in the first year of the Government's $2 million Anzac fund.
VicHealth and Arts Victoria partner to boost physical fitness
A key component of the Active Arts Strategy 2014-2017 aims to develop arts projects that act as a gateway to…
VCA gets FR!SKy for Fringe
A festival-within-a-festival, FR!SK aims to help emerging artists get to grips with professional practice.
My Darling Patricia don a long-developed Mantle
An extended development over three years has given the company time to experiment, rather than adapt existing ideas.
Ralph Myers reveals his final Belvoir season
From Indigenous drama to Greek tragedy, and Australian classics to new plays, Myers’ fifth Belvoir season is the culmination of…
Australian String Quartet to tour China before line-up dissolves
The Adelaide-based ensemble will perform and host masterclasses in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenyang before their current line-up dissolves over 'artistic…
Brandis releases terms of reference for national opera review
‘It’s not overly melodramatic to say we’re fighting for the survival of opera in Australia,' says OperaQ's Lindy Hume.
STC’s 2015 season a conversation between canon and new ideas
Andrew Upton’s new season embraces fresh works by female playwrights, and the rich and resonant history of the well-written play.
Women directors program already paying dividends for MTC
Five of 11 mainstage productions in the Melbourne Theatre Company’s 2015 season are being directed by women.