Richard Watts
Richard Watts's Latest Articles
Art is reconciliation in action
Musician David Bridie and theatremaker Rachael Maza encourage more collaborations between black and white Australians.
‘I’ll show you mine,’ say artists
A new blog aims to encourage more open discussion about financial sustainability in the Australian arts sector.
Smaller cities face partnership disadvantage
With Australia’s top 10 corporations all based in Melbourne or Sydney, companies in smaller cities and regional centres can struggle…
100 years of music education is no Con
The Sydney Conservatorium of Music celebrates its centenary in May: how has elite music training changed in 100 years?
Tweeting for tickets
Malthouse Theatre is offering social media addicts free tickets to a current production that celebrates and satirises YouTube.
The essential skills of a great designer
Lighting, set and costume designers from around the country share insights into their craft.
Toby Halligan: The Bad Gay
Queer comedian Toby Halligan prefers chess and politics to dating apps and the latest fashion.
Inspiring Australia’s new Hildegard
Musica Viva’s The Hildegard Project aims to counter the gender imbalance that sees men dominating composition in Australia.
Naked theatre: impact versus exploitation
What are the ethics of simulated sex in the theatre, and how can directors ensure actors feel comfortable and secure…
Jobs lost at youth arts company
The tightening financial environment has forced Carclew in Adelaide to make several staff members redundant.