Jo Pickup

ArtsHub's Arts Feature Writer Jo Pickup is based in Perth. An arts writer and manager, she has worked as a journalist and broadcaster for media such as the ABC, RTRFM and The West Australian newspaper, contributing media content and commentary on art, culture and design. She has also worked for arts organisations such as Fremantle Arts Centre, STRUT dance, and the Aboriginal Arts Centre Hub of WA, as well as being a sessional arts lecturer at The Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA).

Jo Pickup's Latest Articles

a health care worker adjusting a mask and surgical headscarf.

The case for artists in hospital settings since COVID

COVID has pushed the health and arts sectors to new extremes. Could this be the moment they work closer together…

a birds-eye view of a desk with tax papers and a calculator.

The true picture of visual arts sector incomes

What is current data on visual arts workers’ incomes telling us? And are there better ways to track what’s really…

A hand silhouetted against smoke and gum tree leaves.

Some practical steps to truth-telling in museums

Calls for First Nations truth-telling are growing louder in Australian politics. What does that look like within the museum sector?

a large music concert crowd and stage with small fireworks being set off.

Artswashing dilemma continues to plague festivals

Darwin Festival is the latest arts organisation to fall afoul of protestors demanding the festival divest itself from a sponsorship…

a gallery space showing a painting under a spotlight and a tactile sculptural interpretation of it beside it.

Making art heard for vision impaired audiences

Galleries and museums could be doing more through co-design and collaboration to expand access for blind and low vision audiences.

A dark exhibition space with a series of lit up globes hanging in it.

What every museum reveals about past, present and future

Museums have important roles across multiple timespans, according to futurist and museum director Kristin Alford.

a pile of Australian money: $50, $20 and $10 notes

5 end of financial year fundraising tips

What are the secrets of fundraising at tax time?

a woman standing against leather benches in Old Parliament House, Australia

Exit Interview: Daryl Karp AM, Museum of Australian Democracy

After nine years in the role, the Director of the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) is moving on.

two indigenous actors (Kylie Doomadgee and Rachael Maza) on stage, one is speaking into a microphone, backgrounded by screens showing Indigenous people holding microphones

First Nations arts leaders find hope in election result

The new Labor government's opening statements offer hopeful signs for two First Nations arts leaders.

a scene from Roslyn Oades' The Nightline where the audience are listening to audio on old telephones in a room with a performer

How the arts strengthen our democracy

In the countdown to election day, ArtsHub asked three independent artists how they feel their work contributes to our democracy.

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