Gina Fairley
Gina Fairley's Latest Articles

Why these 10 booths caught our eye at Sydney Contemporary
A protracted gestation (thanks to COVID delays) has meant a polished and energised Sydney Contemporary art fair on its return.

Celebrate a new era at the reimagined Bondi Pavilion
After a two-year restoration and refit, the Pav is back, and you’re invited to the party.

Automated plagiarism: Furore over ‘computer’ winning art prize
Turf wars between artists and AI generators - a topic that is the tip of an iceberg worthy of a…

This week's arts news you may have missed
What's on, what's in the headlines, and the latest program releases – to put you ahead of the game this…

Calling artists for major metro art commissions
Nine public artworks are sought to define the new Sydney Metro–Western Sydney Airport line.

Putting the arts in the Jobs and Skills Summit agenda
What the Jobs and Skills Summit means (or doesn't) for the arts' future employment opportunities.

Vale gallerist Conny Dietzschold
Described as a brave dealer who championed conceptual art, she created an even playing field for Australian artists alongside international…

Vegan art materials: taking the animal out of art
Put an end to dead animals in your art, and learn more about vegan art supplies.

Powerhouse Australian gallery expands its commercial reach
With an eye still on Asia and a new gallery opening in Melbourne, gallerist Joanna Strumpf speaks about commercial growth…

This week's arts news you may have missed
What's on, what's in the headlines, and the latest program releases – to put you ahead of the game this…