Gina Fairley
Gina Fairley's Latest Articles

100 days on the job: Bree Pickering, National Portrait Gallery
How is Bree Pickering using her US experience to regear the National Portrait Gallery in its 25th anniversary year?

This week's arts news and trending topics
What's in the headlines and what people are talking about in the arts this week.

Why do Australians love Egyptian blockbusters ... still?
Why does an over 3000-year-old culture still pull audiences, and what is the lure of the Egyptian blockbuster for Australians?

First Nations artist exchange between Taiwan and Australia
In a first, Indigenous artists across Taiwan and Australia find shared conversations through an exchange project.

Opera review: The Tales of Hoffmann, Sydney Opera House
Four of the world's best opera companies collaborate for Damiano Michieletto's outstanding new production of 'The Tales of Hoffmann'.

A lesson in activism from US photographer Nan Goldin
NGA’s acquisition of Nan Goldin’s iconic suite of 126 photographs ‘The Ballad…’ offers lessons in documenting truth in times of…

When the money is given back … something is terribly wrong
News of the cancellation of the Hyde Park Barracks Art Commission has raised many questions.

This week's arts news and trending topics
What's in the headlines and what people are talking about in the arts this week.

Exhibition review: James Drinkwater, Drill Hall Gallery
Consistently bold and at scale, James Drinkwater's latest exhibition looks at the past 20 years of his paintings as a…

How do you know if you’ve got what it takes?
NAS Open Day is a great litmus test for putting your aspirations alongside the realities of studying art.