Gina Fairley
Gina Fairley's Latest Articles

Curating will never be the same thanks to new digital tool
Technology promises to revolutionise the way you curate and design an exhibition space - allowing you to design a space…

A $180m paper bag - Sydney opens its Gehry
The man responsible for the Bilbao effect, Frank Gehry, has designed a building for Sydney that will divide and delight.

Does art make good (reality) television?
A Brit reality tv show turns Street Art into the latest ratings pawn with a Survivor meets The Archibald zeal.

Guess who’s going to Venice?
AusCo recognises the professional development opportunity of Venice Biennale, sending our top emerging curatorial talents over.

Blake Prize needs a miracle for resurrection
Australia's prestigious prize exhibition for religious art closes this weekend, perhaps for the last time unless a major sponsor comes…

Vale Colin Lanceley
Australia loses a great artist - a great innovator - a giant of his time.

Revving up audiences
A run of art and design exhibitions celebrating the car demonstrate how thinking off-road provides a new driver for popular…

Forum returns to define new directions in experimental arts
Bold, bright thinking will define a forum for experimental arts this October in Perth.

Zombies, GIFs & stuckism: 21st century art movements
It's hard to imagine these art movements defining our times. But then, that's what they said about Impressionism.

Is Instagram art?
A picture is worth a thousand words; an algorithm is worth a billion pictures - how is Instagram altering creativity?