Gina Fairley
Gina Fairley's Latest Articles

10 buzzwords that dominated the arts in 2017
Our language tells us a lot about who we are: our confidence, our embrace of trends, our professionalism and our…

Not Niwe, Not Nieuw, Not Neu
A velvet glove approach leads to well-pondered questions about colonial authority in the Pacific, and the right to delegate what…

Koori comics culture is thriving
Creating Aboriginal superheroes is a powerful way of celebrating identity.

Rembrandt and the Dutch Golden Age
A rare moment where you can savor a Rembrandt in clear sight of a Vermeer and a Frans Hals painting…

Expert tips for expanding non-government income
Industry leaders offer advice on how to build alternative sources of income for artists and S2M arts organisations.

Learn & Play! teamLab Future Park
Powerhouse Museum’s summer exhibition delights at any age with its immersive digital playground too fun to leave to just the…

How to increase your arts income
Whether you are an artist or a S2M arts organisation, an expert panel has offered advice on how to increase…

Social messaging appears to be skewing art awards
Nine art prizes announced over two weeks reveal much about the psyche of our art scene.

The only career barrier is you
At the National Art School your skill level is not the barrier. With courses offered from short intensives to a…

For those serious about becoming professional artists
Described as being on the pulse of contemporary art today, Adelaide Central School of Art is mentoring students with fresh…