Erich Mayer
Erich Mayer's Latest Articles

Magazine review: Meanjin Winter 2023, edited by Esther AnatolitisÂ
The intensity of this edition creates a real sense of urgency in the reader.

Book review: After the Rain, Aisling Smith
This novel showcases relationships complicated by the limitations of language.

Book review: Painting the Light, Ned Manning
A solid read for those who enjoy Australian historical fiction.

Book review: Overland issue 249, edited by Evelyn Araluen and Jonathan Dunk
This publication is of great interest to anyone passionate about contemporary Australian writing.

Book Review: The Detective's Guide to Ocean Travel by Nicki Greenberg
A cruising tale of false leads and dangerous encounters.

Book Review: Reading like an Australian writer, NewSouth Books
Successful writers dishing up their views on reading and writing in a most palatable manner

Book Review: The Octopus Man by Jasper Gibson, Hachette Australia
Whatever the reason you pick up this book, you will not be disappointed.

Book review: Tussaud by Belinda Lyons-Lee
A slow-paced novel with an exciting denouement.

Book Review: Chasing the McCubbin by Sandi Scaunich
Sandi Scaunich's novel may tempt readers to try their hand at scrounging.

Book Review: Pushing Back by John Kinsella
Kinsella takes his readers off the edge of the map.