Erich Mayer

Erich Mayer is a retired company director and former organic walnut farmer.

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Book review: The Furphy Anthology 2023, edited by Joanne Holliman

These 16 stories were drawn from over 600 entries to the annual short story competition.

A Brief History of Thought. Image is on the left an upper body shot of author John Bryson, a bald-headed smiling man in a dark shirt and light jacket, on the right a book cover with an illustration of a headshot of the same man in sepia but looking dour.

Book review: A Brief History of Thought – Unfinished, John Bryson

If anyone is up to the ambitious task of analysing the history of thought, it is the author of 'Evil…

So Close to Home. Image is an author headshot on the left of a bald headed middle aged man in a brown shirt and a book cover depicting a sky at sunset with the silhouette of a young man in a hoodie in the foreground, on the right.

Book review: So Close to Home, Mick Cummins

A powerful and authentic tale of drug addiction.

Corners of Melbourne. Image on left is a book cover showing a black and white image of a grand building with several hatted men in the foreground. Image on the right is a smiling grey-haired woman in a check shirt wearing glasses.

Book review: Corners of Melbourne, Robyn Annear

Anyone with a love of Melbourne history will find this book enthralling.

Everyone on this Train is a Suspect. Image is an author headshot of a bearded, dark haired man with a black v neck t-shirt, against a yellow background, and on the right hand side a book cover of the book's title in large font and a bird of prey with wings outstretched.

Book review: Everyone on this Train is a Suspect, Benjamin Stevenson

An intriguing mystery yarn where a trainload of mystery writers are themselves the detectives.

The Pit. Image is a book cover on the left of a remote Australian red dirt setting and a shovel. On the left is the author's image, a head shot of a bald man.

Book review: The Pit, Peter Papathanasiou

The Pit represents the latest contribution to Australian outback noir.

Fake Heroes. Book cover and picture of author on the left, a man with a red beard and receding hairline.

Book review: Fake Heroes, Otto English

Fake Heroes features 10 notable people from history's pages, and reveals what they were really like.


Book review: God Forgets About the Poor, Peter Polites

A sympathetic tale of one migrant’s experience.


Book review: Big Meg, Tim Flannery and Emma Flannery

A fascinating insight into the detective work of shark fossils.


Book review: Inkflower, Suzy Zail

For YA readers and older, this book touches on the story of a Holocaust survivor, interlaced with more current dramas…

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