Dorcas Maphakela
Dorcas Maphakela's Latest Articles
Performance review: Alchemy Consort: It Lights the Whole Sky, National Gallery of Victoria
Choral music performances that explored the connection between humanity and natural phenomena.
Performance review: Afrocentric, National Gallery of Victoria
Nightly performances that celebrate the African diaspora in Australia.
Book review: Smash Hits Recipes, Nat's What I Reckon
Simple, easily made recipes, served with a side of potty-mouthed humour and cooking tips.
Book review: Roseghetto, Kirsty Jagger
A debut that tracks a life ringed by violence and poverty.
Book review: Personal Score, Ellen van Neerven
Ellen Van Neervan's latest book is a non-fiction about the nexus between sport, culture and identity.