Dorcas Maphakela
Dorcas Maphakela's Latest Articles
Book review: Afro-Centered Futurisms in Our Speculative Fiction, Eugen Bacon (editor)
Essays on Black speculative fiction speaks to evolving discourses about identity.
Theatre review: ILARUN: The Cutting Comb, fortyfivedownstairs
A story of decolonised power based on a 18th century Jamaican matriarch.
Book review: Black Convicts, Santilla Chingaipe
Australia's trade in hidden slavery exposed.
Theatre review: Blak in the Room, Southbank Theatre
Three short plays offer 'the gift of hearing our stories' from First Nations playwrights and creatives.
Exhibition review: Māreikura-Ka rere te rongoā | the medicine flows, Immigration Museum
A multimedia exhibition that showcases the strength of the Māori matriarchy.
Book review: Translations, Jumaana Abdu
A psychological journey that canvasses the depths of identity and trauma and explores the gaps of language.
Theatre review: The Heart Whispers and Whirls, Shirley Burke Theatre
A multidisciplinary ensemble of international women sharing their heritage through poetry, folk songs, dance and shadow puppetry.
Theatre review: Apologia, Malthouse Theatre
Reality and surrealism collide in one woman's fantasy of wanting to be a French actress.
Book review: Dirrayawadha, Anita Heiss
The prolific author returns to the Frontier Wars in this epic Australian fiction.
Theatre review: La Belle Epoque, Theatre Works
A multimedia play that interweaves different art forms to tell the story of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).