Ben Eltham

Ben Eltham's Latest Articles

Opinions & Analysis

The trouble with adaptations

The debate about adaptations of classics in Australian theatre is just another example of the cultural cringe


A watershed moment in Australian theatre

The Australian Theatre Forum, held this week in Canberra, showcases an industry on the upswing despite the new competition.


Alcohol and culture: a volatile combination

Encouraging live venues and battling alcohol-fuelled violence is a delicate balance for cultural policy-makers.


We have the money!

No news is good news as the Federal Budget locks in funding for Creative Australia.

Opinions & Analysis

The talent aggregators

Content aggregators now have the power and access that used to belong to agents and artists' managers.


World-first matched crowdfunding campaign

Pozible scores another world first, with matched funding from the Keir Foundation for Underbelly Arts


Arts New South Wales targets Renew Australia

New funding guidelines released last week by the New South Wales government appear to rule out arts projects linked to…

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Music Industry Spin

EXCLUSIVE - The decision by the Australian Copyright Tribunal to allow the PPCA to charge nightclubs, venues and dance parties…

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Triple J reshuffles its arts programming

National youth broadcaster Triple J announced last week that it was cancelling 'Artery', the network’s long-running arts and contemporary culture…

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Independent Theatre Makes A Resurgence in Brisbane

After a deep lull, independent theatre in Brisbane may be back off the canvas. Ben Eltham reports.

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