Ben Eltham
Ben Eltham's Latest Articles
Will Victoria's new Creative Industries policy work?
Victoria's new Labor Government is shaking up cultural policy with big implications for creative industries nationally.
3+3 =1 (and a half) for AusCo contracts
AusCo's decision to cancel six year contracts has caused widespread unrest in the community arts sector and an exchange worthy…
Queensland's independent scene fights on, wounded
A year after devastating funding cuts savaged the sector, Brisbane's independent scene is still fighting but some have fallen.
Victorian election: arts winners will depend on ballot box
The Coalition is touting 'excellence', Labour 'creative industries'. The result will have direct funding implications for four major projects, the…
National arts curriculum: Media arts takes the fall
Media arts has taken the fall for the ongoing culture war over the National Curriculum, writes Ben Eltham.
Exclusive: Brandis' $275,000 grant to Melba bypasses scrutiny
Arts Minister George Brandis approved $275,000 in special funding to classical music label Melba Recordings without peer review or a…
Labor slams Brandis' 'meaningless' arts policy
AusCo's new strategic plan is 'narrow and superficial,' says Mark Dreyfus.
Tearing up funding agreements is sovereign risk
The community sector is especially vulnerable to funding cuts. But why is there so little noise about it?
Australia Council confirms: Creative Australia is dead
The Australia Council restructure confirms what we suspected: Labor's national cultural policy is dead.
Australia Council Strategic Plan: where is the detail?
There is precious little detail in the Australia Council's new Strategic Plan, and big questions remain.