Ben Eltham

Ben Eltham's Latest Articles

Opinions & Analysis

Will Victoria's new Creative Industries policy work?

Victoria's new Labor Government is shaking up cultural policy with big implications for creative industries nationally.


3+3 =1 (and a half) for AusCo contracts

AusCo's decision to cancel six year contracts has caused widespread unrest in the community arts sector and an exchange worthy…


Queensland's independent scene fights on, wounded

A year after devastating funding cuts savaged the sector, Brisbane's independent scene is still fighting but some have fallen.


Victorian election: arts winners will depend on ballot box

The Coalition is touting 'excellence', Labour 'creative industries'. The result will have direct funding implications for four major projects, the…

Opinions & Analysis

National arts curriculum: Media arts takes the fall

Media arts has taken the fall for the ongoing culture war over the National Curriculum, writes Ben Eltham.


Exclusive: Brandis' $275,000 grant to Melba bypasses scrutiny

Arts Minister George Brandis approved $275,000 in special funding to classical music label Melba Recordings without peer review or a…

Opinions & Analysis

Labor slams Brandis' 'meaningless' arts policy

AusCo's new strategic plan is 'narrow and superficial,' says Mark Dreyfus.

Opinions & Analysis

Tearing up funding agreements is sovereign risk

The community sector is especially vulnerable to funding cuts. But why is there so little noise about it?


Australia Council confirms: Creative Australia is dead

The Australia Council restructure confirms what we suspected: Labor's national cultural policy is dead.


Australia Council Strategic Plan: where is the detail?

There is precious little detail in the Australia Council's new Strategic Plan, and big questions remain.

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