
artshub-au's Latest Articles


Book Review: On Robyn Davidson: Writers on Writers by Richard Cooke

Cooke’s Robyn Davidson Writers on Writers is a cool, clever look at an elusive and enigmatic presence who illuminates the…


Book review: Something That May Shock and Discredit You by Daniel Mallory Ortberg

This book offers a vital account of transition and gender identity.


Post-COVID-19 participation - What we can learn from sports audiences

A recent sports poll reveals audience reluctance may take longer to overcome.

Opinions & Analysis

Venues and local government workers left out of Victoria’s arts survival package

The thriving network of venues across the state needs greater support from the State Government, argues Rob Robson, Chair of…


Boards wrestle with transitional funding

The announcement that several small to medium arts organisations would receive a year of transitional funding from the Australia Council…


Book review: Blueberries by Ellena Savage

An experimental and thought-provoking essay collection that stays with the reader well past the final page.


$6.34 million COVID-19 support for the NSW small-medium arts and screen sector

Create NSW has announced $6.34 million in support of the NSW small-medium arts and screen sector, with accommodation assistance, funds…


Book review: The Girls by Chloe Higgins

A stunning exploration of grief and love, memory and shame.

Opinions & Analysis

How disabled artists are impacted by COVID-19

As the coronavirus spread and lockdown conditions increased, Carly Findlay received news her book would be delayed. She chats with…


Crisis cash for artists fundraiser launched

A new initiative is seeking to raise $1 million to be shared between 1000 independent artists who might otherwise fall…

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