
artshub-au's Latest Articles

Opinions & Analysis

Why right now is the perfect moment for hope

Feeling a little burnt-out? It's a natural response when hope is in short supply but according to Dr Jackie Bailey,…


Test images issue 30 Jul 2020

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NSW Govt announces $10M in multi-year funding

58 NSW arts organisations have received guaranteed multi-year funding, including 14 regional NSW arts companies and 23 first-time recipients –…


Applause: Latest funding and awards announced

Winner of Shirley Hannan National Portrait Prize announced, Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund fellow announced, Furphy Literary Award winner, plus more…


Interim Board announced for literary org The Lifted Brow

The Lifted Brow has announced an interim Board to ‘prevent the organisation from immediately dissolving,' while issuing a formal apology…


What salons can teach us about conversation

The European salon has much to offer the arts – from better discourse to ways to disagree – argues John…


On the Move: Latest sector appointments and departures

Back to Back appoints new CEO, Dr Angela Savage to leave Writers Victoria, and The Q’s AD departs after 13…

Opinions & Analysis

The best COVID-19 support for the arts around the world

How are our programs to help the arts survive comparing with others introduced around the globe? Dr Jackie Bailey looks…


Music and trauma – why the two have a fraught relationship

Will artworks referencing the pandemic actually increase awareness and understanding, or is such appropriation simply a means of generating attention?


Book review: The Fogging by Luke Horton

The portrayal of tension is spot on in this book, of particular note is Horton’s rendering of the insidious impacts…

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