artshub-au's Latest Articles

$8m boost expands QPAC's programming
In some funding good news, QPAC's First Nations programming encourages the creation of more Indigenous productions and storytelling.

Australian writing has a blak past and future
Looking at Australia’s literature and publishing sector, Karen Wyld suggests how it could better support First Nations writers.

Theatre like you've never seen it before
Next month's Unwrapped at the Sydney Opera House features some of Australia's most adventurous indie companies.

APAM reaches across the Tasman
The Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) this week announced a new partnership with Creative New Zealand.

Book Review: My Name Is Monster by Katie Hale
Hale’s debut novel is an examination of power and changing mother-daughter relationships.

Book Review: See What You Made Me Do by Jess Hill
Hill’s must-read book combines detailed research, candid testimonies and an incisive analysis of how abuse perpetrators and victims think.

Review: Julian Rosefeldt: In the Land of Drought, NGV (VIC)
A surreal, visually arresting meditation on the future of our planet.

'Who am I if not a dancer?'
Many dancers face the end of their stage careers by their mid-30s. What options do they have when they retire…

What’s next for Australian dance?
As Ausdance National closes, Colm O’Callaghan reflects on the National Dance Forum, contemplating Indigenous practice and investigating future advocacy.

Australian writing has a blak past and future
Looking at Australia’s literature and publishing sector, Karen Wyld suggests how it could better support First Nations writers.