artshub-au's Latest Articles
The crossroads between Camelot and Canterbury
ARTS HUB UK: Like any aspect of our culture, history goes through fads and fashions, and how we present "our…
The Wiki-master
Arts Hub Australia — Jimmy Wales is the co-founder of Wikipedia, responsible for changing the way we look at the…
Recast in the shadow of a star
Arts Hub UK — There's nothing like the pull of a star to get the crowds to the theatre -…
Artist's Voice: Emna Zghal — Predictable Rage
Visual artist Emna Zghal addresses the position of Arab artists doing their work in America, finding that there are more…
Economists and the Arts
Arts Hub Australia — There is still a major task before the arts community to engage not only with government…
Artist's Voice: Madelon Galland
Last month, an Australian colleague alerted us to Madelon Galland's STUMP Project, begun in 1999, but which had recently caught…
Nursing the Ego
Arts Hub Australia -- When I was seventeen, the world at my feet and the future bright, I announced to…
A conversation with Sammy Buck
Sammy is an alumnus of the USC filmic writing program and the Warner Bros comedy writing workshop and an Emmy…
Bach Choir of Bethlehem: the 100th Festival
In early May, the Bach Choir of Bethlehem, the oldest US musical organization dedicated to J.S. Bach's music, holds its…
Location, location: The London Book Fair
Arts Hub UK — Last year the London Book Fair moved location and dissent spread through the publishing industry -…