Writing and Publishing

The Woody Allen Collection
REEL DVD: This ten disc boxed set features all of Woody Allen’s full-length theatrical features from 1994 – 2002, providing…

Sufi Movement in Australia
SMIA is part of the International Sufi Movement and was the first Sufi order founded in the West with centres…

The Interfaith Centre Melbourne
The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne was founded in 2000 as an educational and cultural non-profit organisation.

Escher exhibition is world’s most popular
Since the Brazilian Escher exhibition is found to be the world’s most popular art show, experts have endeavored to find…

EWF Director's last hurrah
With all this hooplah around the idea of ‘emerging’ artists, it seems like a reasonable time to pass on the…

Emerging artist? Are you kidding yourself?
Absurd the thought of an emerging anybody. To see how silly the concept is, take the word “emerging” and follow…

ASA seeks meeting with Newman over lit awards
The Australian Society of Authors is seeking a meeting with Queensland Premier to discuss axing of Premier's Literary Awards.

The future of freelancing
The future freelance journalist will probably need a lot more than a spiral bound notebook and a pencil. A voracious…

What it takes to become an artist for keeps
Life as an artist is a tough gig, so do you really want to spend all those years of training…

Tim Winton Award for Young Writers 2012
Entries to the 2012 Tim Winton Award close Sunday May 27. All Western Australian school-aged students are invited to submit…