Writing and Publishing

Clare Wright: The Forgotten Rebels of Eureka
Wright dispels the myth of the Victorian goldfields as an exclusively masculine domain through the re-telling of the gold rush.

Celebrating the act of giving
A woman’s life of philanthropy continues to bestow help and inspiration for the arts

Why Shakespeare still matters
To celebrate Shakespeare's 450th birthday, Australia's leading exponent asks why actors and audiences still love the Bard.

Hannah Kent: Burial Rites
Kent succeeds in offering up a fascinating, rich character and leaves it up to the reader to decide how to…

NSW Arts a reshuffle casualty
The new Premier of NSW, Mike Baird, has announced a Cabinet reshuffle, and the Arts Ministry was among the changes.

Anna Krien: Night Games - Sex, Power and Sport
The author documents a fascinating, protected and sometimes horrifying subculture that has not changed with the times.

Kristina Olsson: Boy, Lost - A Family Memoir
Ultimately, this is a beautiful story of heartbreak and loss but also of hope and love.

Fiona McFarlane: The Night Guest
With beautiful prose, humour and gentleness, The Night Guest offers a glimpse into the recesses of a diminishing mind.

Are career expos a waste of time?
Are career expos valuable resources in decision-making for your future study and job prospects or are they just promotional tools…

Sparking an exchange of ideas
Vivid Ideas 2014 will engage leaders from over 16 creative disciplines in a captivating ideas exchange.