Writing and Publishing

Should you move for your career?
Whether you feel trapped in a small town, or tired of the big city, many of us are considering a…

Australian product missing from our theatres
An analysis of Australian theatre programs shows waning Australian drama premieres, especially in state theatre companies.

Why we need a national theatre based in Canberra
A national theatre focused on home-made product would support playwrights and ensure our cultural autonomy.

Study of urban utopia takes artist to rural residency
The Chippendale New World Art Prize’s second winner has been announced.

Women dominate Miles Franklin shortlist
The Stella Prize was started in protest at few female Miles Franklin winners but in 2014 women are two thirds…

Arts cuts: Abbott Government takes us backwards
Budget 2014 cuts to arts funding wipe out many of the gains of Creative Australia and may signal the renewal…

$80,000 injected into not-for-profit arts organisations
Crowdfunding goes offline and gets a 'perfect' match in a new funding program for not-for-profit arts organisations.

Risky agenda for 2015 National Architecture Conference
The next National Architecture Conference will take a risk on its theme, if not its creative directors.

Arts in special education receives boost in WA
Sensorium Theatre has received $202,000 funding for multi-sensory arts projects created for young people with special needs.

$65,000 to assist Aboriginal Music Careers
Newly appointed NSW Arts Minister Troy Grant has announced a program to bolster support for our indigenous musicians.