Writing and Publishing
Greens use theatre to sell politics
Indie company The Cutting Room Floor have collaborated with Senator Scott Ludlam to create six short plays based on Greens…
Coalition fails to deliver arts policy
Labor and Greens presented their election platforms at this week's National Debate but Arts Minister Mitch Fifield ducked and wove.
Darwin Festival placed under administration
The future of Darwin Festival is in doubt with the NT Government dismissing the board on Wednesday.
What you need to know ahead of the National Arts Debate
The National Arts Debate will enable voters to assess Liberal, Labor and Greens arts policies. Here’s our guide to understanding…
Why arts and tourism need each other
NSW’s fastest growing region is an exemplar of the power of culture to draw tourism and revitalise local communities.
The new cultural cringe
The ingrained assumption that work made by regional companies is of poorer quality than metropolitan productions needs to be fought.
The truth about creative personalities
Mad genius? Lonely eccentric? Attention seeker? We debunk the myths in search of the real creative personality.
Theatres back Labor, Greens arts policies
Your state theatre company has an opinion on how you should vote – or rather how you shouldn't.
The great peak bodies massacre
Why have four out of the five national peak artform organisations just had their funding discontinued by the Australia Council?
Labor boosts funding in new arts policy
One month out from the federal election the ALP have launched a new arts policy which promises to undo the…