Writing and Publishing

Applause: Latest funding and awards announced
Craft Victoria honours graduating students, 2020 Tasmania Theatre Award Winners announced, Karen Wyld to publish new manuscript, plus latest awards…

WA Museum to re-open and redefine standards
With a budget of almost $400M, the transformed WA Museum not only looks light and open, but champions a new…

Book review: Spinoza’s Overcoat by Subhash Jaireth
Subhash Jaireth deserves a place alongside other great essayists.

Book review: Lost and Found by Kip Scott
A magnificent book of photographs that speaks volumes.

Learning to rethink the value of arts consultancies
Hiring an arts consultant is not a burdensome expense; rather, it can liberate your organisation from the quagmire of a…

Cultural leadership versus ‘business as usual’
There is now no government department with ‘arts’ in the title. Our political vanishing act should be a wakeup call…

Managing a massive assignment
Carrie Rae Cunningham explains what inspired her to take up the helm of much admired arts organisation, Massive Theatre Company.

Book review: The Salt Madonna by Catherine Noske
Noske’s debut is a fine example of modern Australian Gothic storytelling.

On the Move: Latest sector appointments and departures
Back to Back’s loss is the sector’s gain as Alice Nash joins the Australia Council, plus other arts appointments.

Australian gothic enters haunting new chapter with audio narrative
A new podcast evokes the history of the Australian Gothic through a series of audio stories told by respected Australian…