Writing and Publishing

ICYMI: The week's top news in the arts
Copyright reforms, Fed funding guidelines, theatres back with live performances, Sugglepot and Cuddlepie become a new ballet, Tassie writers residency,…

Discovering delight as an antidote to 2020
Delight is that elusive quality that can reboot your mental health, according to The Rumpus' Caitlin Marshall.

Wangaratta Jazz Festival returns to honour the human voice
Defying COVID-19, the chair of Wangaratta Jazz Festival says National Jazz Awards, held as part of the festival, offer a…

Applause: Latest funding and awards announced
Work of fiction celebrating matriarchs wins Daisy Utemorrah Award, shortlists announced for 2020 NSW Premier's History Awards, Callout for aMbush…

First round opens for $20M Live Music fund
The Live Music Australia program will distribute $5 million a year over four years.

Connecting you to creative Open Days from around Australia
Creative learning is more vital than ever before.

Book review: Sweatshop Women: Volume Two Edited by Winnie Dunn
Written by women from Indigenous, migrant and refugee backgrounds, Sweatshop Women: Volume Two runs parallel to a shift we’re currently…

Ask the Mentor: Should I reinvent myself in my 50s?
Media Mentor Esther Coleman-Hawkins answers your career questions with brisk no-nonsense advice for screen professionals.

Federal Government releases guidelines for $75 million RISE fund
The Minister for Communications, Cyber Safety and the Arts, will have the final say on which Restart Investment to Sustain…

On the Move: Latest sector appointments and departures
Meet the new Chair of Adelaide Fringe, Australian String Quartet appoints new cellist, and more.