Visual Arts

Curator appointed at NZ gallery
An opportunity to oversee the physical and aspirational expansion of regional NZ gallery has been filled.

Why go back to the bush?
Thirty years ago arts enthusiasts couldn’t wait to leave regional Australia. Now some are going home.

Australia, Europe and the search for a soul
Australia benefits from its broad view of culture but cultural programming needs values and excellence not just face-painting.

Reduce arts funding, recommends Commission of Audit
The Federal Government’s Commission of Audit released today demands efficiencies from the arts sector. It wants some arts programs abolished,…

Chinese Museum: Artefacts
This exhibition nods to the heritage of Chinese immigrants while reflecting on a collective history we are all shaping.

Arts Centre Melbourne a budget winner
Despite posting a $7.2 million deficit last year, the venue will receive an additional $10 million in next week's budget.

Students rush to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Two youth programs at the Sydney Symphony Orchestra are making it easier for young people to enjoy live classical music.

ANZAC Centenary Creative Advisor named
The new creative advisor for the Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund will have an important influence on the commemorations.

Arts funding: why we need to widen the narrative
Lobbying for more arts funding won’t work without a broader conversation on the value of the product, say leading arts…

Jack Mannix: Precious Metals
An exploration of the joyous, wasteful abandon of twenty-something partying, sex and drugs.