Visual Arts

2016 Adelaide Biennale Curator announced
Following in the wake of this year’s Biennale success the Art Gallery of South Australia has confirmed the next edition’s…

Object gets new Head of Programs
The Australian Design Centre looks to reshape its future with a new programming appointment.

Australian product missing from our theatres
An analysis of Australian theatre programs shows waning Australian drama premieres, especially in state theatre companies.

Why we need a national theatre based in Canberra
A national theatre focused on home-made product would support playwrights and ensure our cultural autonomy.

Female inspiration a century on
One time resident of Mosman, Hilda Rix Nicholas took on the world in her early paintings, celebrated in a new…

Homage portrait wins Glencore Percival
A tribute from one Australian artist to another pays dividends.

Study of urban utopia takes artist to rural residency
The Chippendale New World Art Prize’s second winner has been announced.

Designs on improving education
An international fellowship has been awarded to a Queensland high-school design teacher to foster the exchange of knowledge.

Video: First look at masterpieces never seen outside Spain
For the first time some of the great Italian masterpieces have left the Museo del Prado. Where have they gone?…

Arts cuts: Abbott Government takes us backwards
Budget 2014 cuts to arts funding wipe out many of the gains of Creative Australia and may signal the renewal…