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VCA gets FR!SKy for Fringe

A festival-within-a-festival, FR!SK aims to help emerging artists get to grips with professional practice.


Waste: from a mountain to a fountain

Recycling artist Claire Tracey contributes an alchemist’s expertise to this year’s national Garage Sale Trail.


Beyond the dots – Warakurna redefines Western Desert painting

An emerging art movement in the Western Desert is the focus of a new exhibition at the South Australian Museum.


In the ear and now

Liquid Architecture’s 2014 program takes the participant on an enthralling, investigative conceptual journey into sound.


Buffalo battle wins international ceramics prize

Contemporary resonance and ‘personal readings’ take out top prize at international ceramic award.


Sydney art school rebranded by cutting-edge

Exploring the intersections between art, science and creative technologies this exhibition ushers in a new brand for UNSW Galleries.


Film festival puts girls on top

In a year where solidarity with feminism is a hot topic, Melbourne’s first feminist film festival will make its inaugural…


Would you pay $2K to attend a conference?

You’re mad if you don’t. You are paying your way to the table with the world’s great museum communicators including…


Prime Minister Abbott returns NGA’s shameful Shiva

An irritant to Australia-India relations, the 900-year old sculpture at the centre of a fraud case becomes a political pawn.


British Council helps Indigenous cultural leaders Accelerate

Four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists have been chosen to develop their work in the United Kingdom.

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