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Visual Arts


The voice of Aboriginal Australia

CAAMA brings economic benefits, mental wellbeing and cultural sustainability to Indigenous communities across Central Australia.


On the move: latest appointments and resignations

Two new members join the Board of Directors at Artspace and MADA gets a new Head of Design this week.


NSW Strategy champions Aboriginal arts and cultural leaders

Arts NSW Strategy bolsters career opportunities and better aligns the profile of NSW Aboriginal arts and culture, and the outcomes


9 things Indigenous arts workers wish you knew

Fear of getting it wrong is a key reason producers fail to program Indigenous arts. So we asked those who…


Cultural highways lead to Venice for First Nations curators

Senior, mid-career and emerging curators will participate in the First Nations Curator Exchange Program, taking them to the 2017 Venice…


How to increase First Nations performing arts programming

Your assumptions about programming Indigenous works need to be examined, says new research by the Australia Council for the Arts.


The taste for philanthropy is spreading

'Australians have become addicted to giving, and the taste for philanthropy has become as alluring and natural to them as…

Opinions & Analysis

Why the Efficiency Dividend wreaks havoc on cultural organisations

Touring programs have been cut, staff shed, research discontinued and hours contracted. That's not efficiency it's decimation.


Your crash course in Catalyst

The sector became excited this week at reports that the Government would return Catalyst funding to the Australia Council. Is…


Opportunities for musicians in Western Sydney

NSW Government is investing in emerging music talent and live performance embedded in the community.

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