Visual Arts

Can’t get gallery representation? Willoughby offers two alternative spaces
In a tightening gallery market, rental spaces provide an opportunity to boost artists’ professional careers and visibility.

Creative pathways can lead to the unexpected
Unexpected career paths can arise when we follow our intuition.

Booking for sustainability – building a relationship with a venue
Carriageworks Director, Lisa Havilah says that building long-term relationships with artists, and ensuring they have a purpose, is key to…

How small acts of reinvention can breathe life into artistic practice
Two award-winning producers whose work has featured heavily on the BBC teach us how they keep their their episodes interesting…

Accounting for the Arts
The financial year is almost over – which means it’s tax time.

Applause: latest funding and awards announced
Anywhere Festival award winners, UKARIA residents and BlakDance Residency Program participants announced, Walter Bourke Award winner revealed, and more.

$50,000 opportunity for emerging and established photographers
One of Australia’s most generous photography awards is now calling for entries.

Top 10 tax claims for artists and creative professionals
For artists and creative professionals, it's important that tax claims are made only when justified. Here are 10 claims you…

Is Hong Kong the next game changer in the global art scene?
‘It has been exhilarating to watch at close quarters the accelerated story of Hong Kong’s emergence as a global art…

Price first, design later - how the arts can learn from IKEA
Setting the price point for an arts event can often be the death of it. IKEA demonstrate how flipping the…