Visual Arts
Big budget public art bound for Kangaroo Bay
It’s in Hobart but artists from all over Tasmania and beyond have until February 6 to express interest in creating…
Presentation and Promotion
Presentation and Promotion grants from the Australia Council support projects that promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and their…
Red Ochre Award
The Aboriginal and the Torres Strait Islander Arts Board established The Red Ochre Award to pay tribute to an Aboriginal…
Lara Cooper’s Responses to Different and Ordinary
Moonta artist Lara Cooper mounts her second solo show called Responses to Different and Ordinary at the Ascot Theatre in…
Indigenous Arts Workers' Program
These Austrlaia Council grants are open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts organisations only.
Indigenous Experimental Art Fund
This Australia Council initiative supports Indigenous-led projects that benefit the development of contemporary Indigenous media, interdisciplinary and hybrid art practitioners.
Projects - Indigenous Mentorships Program - Arts Organisations
This grant from the Australia Council is for arts organisations that supports and/or brokers intensive training, creative residencies or strategic…
Indigenous Arts Development - Partnerships
This grant category from Arts Victoria supports a range of partnership opportunities throughout the year which seek to foster the…
Bundaberg artists come to Brisbane with Bleeding Heart
Eleven Bundaberg artists say they are Bohemians not bogans in the exhibition of mixed mediums they bring to Brisbane’s Bleeding…
Food for art in the world's best kitchens
Melbourne artist Jeff Martin travelled the globe to sketch and paint the kitchens of the world’s top restaurants.