
So you think you're not political
You don't have to be dealing with overtly controversial issues to create work that agitates and activates.

Bringing learning into the workplace with Open Channel
Open Channel short courses and professional attachments help aspiring creators get in the workplace early.

Don't judge me on money, says Minister
The Minister for the ​Arts Senator Mitch Fifield says being a strong advocate for the arts doesn’t mean delivering government…

Is professionalism a dirty word in the arts?
Has too much talk of brand and career management muddied the path of professional practice as an artist? Artistic growth…

How the art market's million dollar distortion affects you
The global art market rises and falls on multi-million dollar works but 90% of artworks sell for less than $50,000.

Culture needs to catch up with the new old
Arts organisations need to adjust their thinking to engage a booming population with time and energy to live a rich,…

Youth theatre companies under pressure in shrinking sector
Only three of 13 youth performing arts companies received project funding from the AusCo for 2016 but it's not always…

Carriageworks bid for $50 million facelift
With attendances that have grown seven-fold over the last five years, Carriageworks has proven its mixed-discipline entrepreneurial blend works.

My life as a plus-size actress
When you are a child actor, chubby means cute. When you hit adolescence, it can be agony. And as an…

Sounding the right note for women composers
A new initiative designed to address the gender imbalance in Australian composition has been launched in Sydney.