Sydney's Cloud Arch critics and our mean-spirited approach to public art
Australians displays a consistently miserly approach to public art, with typically miniscule budgets requiring artists to respond with agility to…
The art of private giving
Arts philanthropy and private donations are on the rise. So who are behind these gifts and what motivates these benefactors?
Artists on film – is Australia on trend?
With the recent release of two feature films about Australian artists, we take a look at the hidden agendas and…
On the move: the latest appointments and resignations
From literary leaders and conductors to opera and Broadway directors, new appointments at the top were announced this week.
Postcard from Junction Arts Festival
From a self-guided evening art walk to site specific dance and live music, Junction has an intimate charm.
Regional artists think globally to grow NSW conversation
Extended Early Bird Registration: A new Lismore conference debunks the perception that regional arts are siloed by encouraging a focus…
Australia Council delivers $6.1M in latest grants round
221 projects have been supported financially to the tune of $6.1 million, with 35% first-time applicants.
Yalingwa is set to take Indigenous visual arts to a new level
The new initiative will drive curatorial scholarship, artist commissions and exhibitions for Victoria's First Nation artists.
Ladies and gentlemen of the audience: what is your verdict?
Audience members get to vote in courtroom dramas which pit our need for entertainment against a range of contemporary legal…
How to make a music video
NIDA students share their advice on the experience of making a music video with winners of triple j Unearthed.