Performing Arts

Theatre review: The Comedy of Errors, Melbourne Shakespeare Company
Outdoors Shakespeare for the young and old in this kid-friendly performance.

Theatre review: Home Chat, Genesian Theatre Company
Lies and subterfuge in Noël Coward play about (possible) adultery.

Arts podcasts we’ve escaped to in 2021
After another big year of ups and downs, we can find refuge and entertainment in arts podcasts from 2021.

Opportunities and awards wrap
Call outs for Darwin Fringe and CinenfestOZ Festival plus winners of the Koori Mail Indigenous Art Award, Balnaves Foundation Fellow,…

Theatre review: The Ajoona Guest House, Bakehouse Theatre
A stark journey into New Delhi’s dark side.

Theatre review: The Lovely Bones, New Theatre
The stage adaptation of the bestselling novel is a contemplative production.

Theatre review: The Tempest, Black Swan State Theatre Company
A staging of the Bard's last play to celebrate a milestone anniversary.

Taking a creative journey with Sondheim
Stephen Sondheim showed me the beauty, terror and exquisite pain of being alive, writes Sonya Suares.

Accessibility toolkit and being an ally
Tips and resources towards better disability access and inclusiveness.

Uncertain future for Cockatoo Island
Will the bureaucratic 'swings and roundabouts' determining Cockatoo Island's use be a boon or a bust for the arts?