Performing Arts

PACT CENTRE: Ovid’s epic poem detailing the myths of ancient Greece and Rome leaps off the page in a flurry…

Stephen Lloyd Helper
Producer and director Stephen Lloyd Helper is known for creating and championing work of cultural diversity.

Jeremy ‘Yongurra’ Donovan
Jeremy Donovan is national spokesperson for Generation One and ambassador for CREATivE CHANGE.

Saturn Returns
THE BUTTERFLY CLUB: Simon Abrahams and Lachlan MacLeod have crafted an engaging evening of cabaret that brilliantly pokes fun at…

The Mousetrap
THE SYDNEY THEATRE: Slighthly dated but still enjoyable, this is an excellent production of the classic Agatha Christie play, a…

Funding cuts threaten NSW arts jobs
Sydney’s largest cultural institutions may have to cut staff and programs after the NSW state government announced millions of dollars…

Why not both access and excellence?
The Australia Council Review wants access arts in a separate stream from excellence. Peak bodies are not convinced.

Melbourne Fringe announces new CEO
The Melbourne Fringe has announced Jayne Lovelock as its new CEO.

Rejoining the Workforce
Tips for returning after a break from paid work.

MKA THEATRE: Singaporean playwright Alfian bin Sa’at’s exploration of a repressed society’s secret passions stars a compelling ensemble cast.