Performing Arts

Turner Art Package for lucky hotel guests
A deal has been struck between the Intercontinental Hotel and the Art Gallery of South Australia in the lead up…

Vic Coalition Government steps in to help students dance
The Victorian Coalition government announces its new partnership with the Wakakirri Association to provide a replacement for the Rock Eisteddfod…

Why Study at TAFE when you could go to uni?
TAFE enrolments are suffering from competitive university courses and lost funding but a degree is not a substitute for vocational…

Global Repertoire Database makes strong progress
The Global Repertoire Database seeks to provide a comprehensive representation and global ownership and control of musical works and is…

Should the arts be colour blind?
For an Asian actor, the problem of stereotyping and cultural diversity isn’t solved by casting directors being colour blind.

‘Pride and Prejudice’ celebrates 200 years
Austen fans all over the world are reaching for their bonnets in celebration of the 200th year anniversary of ‘Pride…

New Indigenous funding from ScreenWest
ScreenWest this week announced two new Indigenous Development funding programs.

Art & About Sydney is on again for 2013
Art & About Sydney is asking for expressions of interest for the 2013 installation art festival all over the city,…

Sam Mendes and Tori Amos to be part of 2013 National Theatre season
The National Theatre has unveiled its 2013 season which includes a Sam Mendes production of ‘King Lear’ and a new…

Adelaide Writers' Week announces blockbuster program
Over 90 of the best scribes from around the country and the world will be descending on Adelaide this March…