Performing Arts

Sydney Film Festival Official Competition
Twelve feature films have made the cut for the sixth Official Competition prize awarded by a jury of five headed…

Mystery Road opens the 60th Sydney Film Festival
Ivan Sen’s outback cowboy cop drama with Aaron Pedersen leading a cracking cast has been selected to open the 60th…

Comedy festival breaks record at box office
The 2013 Melbourne International Comedy Festival brought in a record-setting $13,331,162 in box office sales.

The Sydney Film Festival Living Archive
This archive is not just the story of the SFF over the past 60 years, it’s also a screen shot…

The Sydney Travelling Film Festival
It’s forty years since David Stratton founded the festival that takes the best on screen on the road to 17…

Sydney Film Festival Hub @ Lower Town Hall
Mix, sip and relax with acts and talks at the free festival venue that is the only place to buy…

Female cast takes on Lord of the Flies
William Golding's iconic story of civilisation and savagery brought to the boards by a cast of nine female actors.

Bard Wars V: The Empire Striketh Back
The fun and clever pairing of Star Wars and Shakespeare works a lot better than you might initially expect.

2013: When we were idiots
2013: When we were idiots, is interactive theatre at its energetic best.

Curtain set to open on student theatre festival
Over 150 theatre students from around Australia will be given a chance to perform works and participate in artistic discussion.