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Performing Arts


The Russian Festival: Rite of Spring

Some great achievements are self-evident – and this performance, like the MSO’s entire Russian Festival, is such a case.


Hey! Yeah! It’s Molly’s Travelling Worm Show!

An exuberant exploration of craptacular tourism, Seventies nostalgia, and outsize annelids.


The Seed Fund announces successful applicants

Philanthropic organisation The Seed Fund has announced the successful applicants for the 2013 round of funding.


Blue Man Group

This strange, powerful, bold and exuberant work is unlike any other show you have ever seen.


Stephen Nicolazzo

Creating an on-stage world totally unlike the one we live in is the best thing about this theatre director's job.


God’s stars send in the calvary

God is raising an army of actors, models and entertainers, claims a talent agency feeding Christians their lines.


2013 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards Winners

This year’s winners for the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards, Australia's richest literary awards, have just been announced.


Playwright, filmmakers and visual artists: this week’s awards winners

Plaudits were passed out this week for playwrighting, visual arts and more than 20 films.

Opinions & Analysis

Why we Need a Ministry of Culture

Aggregating culture in one department would lead to better measurement, better resourcing and a genuine assessment of cultural impact, argues…

Opinions & Analysis

Will there ever be enough bandwidth?

‘If content is king, then distribution is God Almighty’, says the mouthpiece for the NBN.

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