Performing Arts
The Coalition’s vision for the arts
Opposition arts spokesman Brandis saw the election as Medici versus Philistines in his speech to the Western Sydney Arts Forum.
Labor's vision for the arts
The Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, went on the attack with this speech at the Western Sydney Arts Forum.
Come Out goes in house at Adelaide Festival Centre
A government report has recommended a new management structure for the troubled youth arts festival.
Top Ten Myths about Creativity
Solitary geniuses and mad creatives make good fiction but research shows the truth about creativity is more prosaic.
This stunning new work by Patricia Cornelius explores the dark side of mateship to great, albeit disturbing effect.
The Baulkham Hills African Ladies Troupe
This new Belvoir production blends the painful with the inspiring to create a work that's both brave and enriching.
Teddy Tahu Rhodes and the Sydney Youth Orchestra
A passionate and delightful concert, presented as part of the Sydney Youth Orchestra’s 40th birthday celebrations.
Truth, lies and independence: arts hits election mode
The Minister claims the Opposition would destroy independence in the arts. Senator Brandis says it's a brazen lie. Who is…
St George’s Cathedral Concert Series – Carmina Burana
A first-rate performance by the St George’s Cathedral Choir & Consort, together with guest pianists and soloists.
Roles to Newcastle
With about 30 theatre companies and its own theatre awards night, Newcastle has changed from steel town to performance hub.