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Review: The Nose by Opera Australia

Does absurdity make for the best opera? If we are talking audience reaction to The Nose then hands down, yes!


Victorian Opera one step closer to becoming major company

Already focused on becoming an opera company for the 21st century, Victorian Opera will soon move into a new state-of-the-art…


$2.6M will boost mainstage productions for Opera Queensland

A $2.6 million funding boost will allow Opera Queensland to plan three mainstage productions from 2019.


New executive will 'wrench' opera company 'into the 21st century'

An Executive Director and Artistic Director have been announced as the new executive team at the State Opera of South…


More jobs for local opera singers? Govt supports National Opera Review

Opera companies that don’t employ an ‘appropriate balance’ of Australian singers could be fined up to $200,000.


From opera to fringe: challenging art form stereotypes

Opera is expensive and elitist, while 'fringe' is code for 'second rate'. Why to do such stereotypes endure?


State Opera AD resigns abruptly

Personal reasons have been cited for the Artistic Director’s unexpected departure.


OperaQ’s new artistic director will woo new artists and audiences

'If you're not developing the form in new and different ways, then I think you’re failing as an arts organisation,'…


Opera furore rages on as creatives decry Carmen changes

Opera Australia’s claim to have remounted the Handa Opera production ‘as true to [its] original format as possible’ has been…


Creatives slam Opera Australia

The lead creatives of Opera Australia’s Handa Opera production of Carmen on Sydney Harbour are angry that they have been…

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