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CoUNTess – spoiling illusions about the arts since 2008

Revealing the sad truth about gender equity in the Australian art world.


Iconoclastic and empowered: the new wave of Middle Eastern Australian women writers

MENA women writers are gaining momentum in major literary prizes and across the nation’s bookstores, but is this movement iconoclastic?

Sally Beamish's Carnival Samba: Floreant. Opening Applause, AFCM Photo: Andrew Rankin

What composers contribute to a music festival

Sally Beamish and Stephen Johnson were invited to the Australian Festival of Chamber Music as much for their musical insights…


Book review: Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life, Anna Funder

Conspicuously missing from male-centric biographies, Eileen O’Shaughnessy is the true Orwellian hero.


Book review: The Year My Family Unravelled, Cynthia Dearborn

How do you go about looking after an ailing aged parent when you are halfway across the world from each…


Magazine review: Meanjin Winter 2023, edited by Esther Anatolitis 

The intensity of this edition creates a real sense of urgency in the reader.


Book review: A Real Piece of Work, Erin Riley

An insight into the life of a queer trans writer through a series of essays.

A banana with a condom and a sliced papaya underneath.
Opinions & Analysis

Moral panic over sex-ed book overlooks real value of teen sex education

The moral panic over a sex education book for teens has seen Big W staff abused, and ignores the ways…

A shelf of old leather-bound history books
Opinions & Analysis

Decolonising the written word

As an editor, a relatively new part of my brief is to be on the alert for colonial exceptionalism. What…


Book review: Aphrodite's Breath, Susan Johnson

A mother-daughter trip to the birthplace of Aphrodite. What could possibly go wrong?

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