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NFT rights for artists and buyers

Intrigued by NFTs? A legal expert unveils complexities surrounding ownership, copyright and NFT royalties.

Adelaide, Australia- 2020: Lion Arts Centre in Adelaide

Live music venue fights back

A petition demanding the Marshall Government intervene to save Lion Arts Centre has been launched in Adelaide.


Concert review: Symphony Series 5, ASO

Pianist Konstantin Shamray shines in an exceptional performance of the hallowed ‘Rach 3.'


Diplomacy meets alt-pop and dances the night away

Fusing traditional tonalities with a contemporary sentiment, alt-pop band LEENALCHI are celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations between Australia and…


Phoenix festival rises from the Fringe

Melbourne Fringe’s program has been reinvented, with 55 in-person shows swiftly adapted for digital performance.


Free jab bundle with music fest

With big crowds in close proximity, festival organisers are finding ways to ensure a COVID-safe environment.


Concert review: Musica Viva

A delightful musical journey from New Guinea to New York.


Teaching music and performance during the pandemic

For students and teachers alike the struggle to adjust teaching and curriculum during lockdown has provided impetus to explore the…


Concert review: Skyfall, Brisbane Festival

Though strong on content and delivery this concert featuring music from James Bond lacked the innovative sizzle expected from the…

The #VAXTHENATION campaign is urging Australians to get the jab in order to speed the return of live performance. Image: Shutterstock.

#VAXTHENATION campaign muddied by Guy Sebastian

An alliance of artists and live entertainment industry bodies has launched a nation-wide campaign to encourage vaccination.

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