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Opinions & Analysis

Australia Council changes will also affect university museums

The aftershocks of Brandis' raid on the AusCo will have a serious impact on the future topography of the cultural…


Arts depend on pro bono lawyers

Arts Law salutes the work of its pro bono lawyers with its annual awards, in the wake of recent government…


Six ways art can help you find a soulmate

If you're tired of swiping left and right on Tinder, stepping into the gallery might take you one step closer…


Regional touring faces Brandis’ chopping block

Touring exhibitions that draw half a million visitors annually across regional and remote Australia are under threat as a result…

Opinions & Analysis

Arts Captain's Calls suit the plan for a docile, ignorant public

The National Program for Excellence in the Arts threatens to return us to the days when artists were punished with…

Opinions & Analysis

No waiver, no art

Artists and galleries are increasingly requiring visitors to sign away their legal rights before visiting impactful interactive installations.


Brandis refuses to meet with arts industry

More than 60 senior arts leaders and artists travelled to Canberra yesterday to discuss changes to arts funding, but the…


What happens to the arts in Australia’s future workforce?

A major study of Australia’s future workforce has good and bad news for those working in the creative industries.

Opinions & Analysis

Arts lobbying succeeds with Senate Inquiry

Arts activists today are celebrating the success of the call for a Senate Inquiry by ArtsPeak, the confederation of national…


Move over MONA, Art Tower to oversee Hobart

An interactive art tower powered by the climbing effort of visitors will ensure MONA is not the only reason tourists…

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